Week 11: Southwest and California Legends; Part A

Creation of Man By: Katharine Berry Judson Link Coyote Link After Coyote created all the beings on earth, he gathered a council of animals and said that he was going to create a new creature called humans. Lion, Grizzly Bear, Cinnamon Bear, and Mouse sat on the ground in a circle like Indians do. Coyote asked them how they would imagine humans to be. Lion said they need a loud voice like him. The bears said he needs to be furry like them. Mouse said they shall be small and quite to live on the lands. After discussing with other animals around them, a quarrel broke out between all the animals. They all began working on creating humans out of mud the way they wanted them to be, Coyote was upset that all the animals pictured humans to be just like them and did not consider them to be their own being. So when all the animals stopped working for the night he went out and purred water on all t...