Feedback Thoughts
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For the first article I choose "A fixed mindset could be holding you back--here's how to change it". This article has its ups and downs to me! I like how it talks about how a fixed mindset can make you a brittle person and hold you back. Fixed mindsets hold people back and won't let you reach your full potential. However, I do believe that there are a few things that having a fixed mindset is okay to have. There has to be winners and losers in this world and when it comes to sports and games, losing makes you a better player. When it comes to doctors, working outside your scope of practice can cause someone their life.
In my other article I chose "A Simple 5-Second Habit to Rewire Your Harshly Self-Critical Brain". I like this article because it talks about taking things with a grain of salt. The body and mind is wired to beat ourselves up over little things to make us do better. In reality we should look at our mistakes and realize where we messed up so we don't do it again. This process is what makes us better. By doing little meditation we can be reminded to love and respect ourselves. By forgiving our own mistakes and making ourselves better, will only help us in the long run.
I like both of these articles because they talk about how we are fired to hate failure. But we shouldn't beat ourselves up over it. I think we should always strive to do better and by not having a fixed mindset, we can do just that. Schools that help students do better will only make them stronger instead of punishing them when they fail.
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