Hey guys! My name is Hunter Harris and I am a Biological Sciences major and I am working on my minor in Chemistry! This is my final semester at OU and I will be graduating this may! (It can not come fast enough!) With my degree I am hoping to land a job working for the government and doing governmental research for Tinker Air Force Base. I got my associates degree at Rose State College in Enterprise Development before I transferred to the University of Oklahoma.
I do have a few hobbies that I take part in! I am a SCUBA diver and hold many licenses. I am a Emergency Rescue Diver, Advanced Diver, and I have my license to breath Nitrox. I have had many diving experiences in the ocean and plan to keep traveling further. I have dove win fields of jellyfish, manta rays, and 60 sharks at one time during a shark feeding.
Manta Ray
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Scuba Diving with Turtles in Hawaii
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Diving with sharks in the Bahamas
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I also live and work on a bee farm. I currently house close to 500,000 bees. We house them in Choctaw, Oklahoma and plan to expand in the spring. We collect the honey and help along in the process of bringing back the bee population.
My other hobby induces salt water aquariums. I have 2 tanks in my house and plan to start a new one soon! In my bigger 40 gallon tank I have my clown fish and many different corrals growing. I have a small 7 gallon nano tank that I house jellyfish in!
Jelly Fish
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I grew up in Oklahoma City and started elementary school there also. In the 5th grade I moved to choctaw with my family until I graduated. This last July I married the love of my life, Reagan, and we build our first home in Harrah, Oklahoma. It is a small town about 35 minutes from the heart of Oklahoma City.
Reagan and I on our wedding day
Personal Photo |
In our free time we do like to travel and explore Oklahoma and its surrounding states. We plan on do some more traveling after we graduate in this May before we really start our lives.
I hope this class is interesting and I really am ready to diver deeper into what this class has to offer!
Hi Hunter!
ReplyDeleteYou have a really interesting life story and a lot of really unique experiences. I have never been scuba diving, but I have a close friend who goes on scuba trips every summer, and I would love to try it. The photos you included are helpful to get a better idea of what the experience is like. However, I have a strong fear of wasps, so being around 500,000 bees sounds pretty scary to me!
Hi Hunter!
ReplyDeleteAs an accounting major I could never imagine studying Biological Science and Chemistry. I hope you get the job you want at Tinker. I have a lot of friends and family who work there or have worked there. As well as a lot of family that lives in the Choctaw/Harrah/Nicoma Park area.
SCUBA Diving sounds like a thrill! I'm not sure it is something I would be interested in getting into (as I already have too many hobbies), but I appreciate the fact you can use this skill to rescue people.
My grandpa used to have bees as a hobby! I really miss the fresh (free to me) honey! I don't think he ever had 500,000 bees though. I appreciate your work in bringing the population back. I know we lost a lot of bees a few years ago.
Hey Hunter!
ReplyDeleteThose scuba diving pictures are absolutely beautiful. I'm terrified of the ocean and plan to remain one-hundred feet away from it at all times, but even I have to admit marine life is beautiful. I bet it was so much fun to go on all those diving trips. You'll have to share more photos in the future! I'd love to look at them.
Hi Hunter!
ReplyDeleteWow, scuba diving sounds so fun! I don’t think I could do it, but in theory, it sounds awesome. The pictures you shared are absolutely gorgeous. I think that sharks are just the coolest, so I’m definitely jealous of your experience with them. Bees are also very good! You have a lot of unique hobbies. I’m looking forward to reading some of your work and wish you the best of luck with classes!
Hey Hunter!
ReplyDeleteIt was really cool reading about your hobbies and life! I can't imagine living on a bee farm; I'm deathly afraid of the things (Though I'd never hurt one; Save the bees!) . I think your diving hobby is really cool! I've done quite a bit of free diving in oceans and lakes around the world and I've often considered getting SCUBA certified. Maybe this will be the year! Your aquariums sound like a lot of fun (and work!) but unfortunately I seem to be the hand of death when it comes to aquatic life (RIP all my little fishes). Congratulations on graduating and I wish you luck in getting your dream job!
Hello Hunter! I actually started as a Biology major with a Chemistry Minor when I entered OU so I can definitely relate there. I actually ended up enjoying Chemistry enough to where I am now focused on getting my Bachelors in Chemistry! Your breakdown was actually pretty intriguing and there is so much to digest! It seems you have a hand in everything; Scuba diving looks fun and I'm envious, bee-keeping sounds pretty intense and is definitely a pretty awesome tale to share. It sounds like biology was definitely a good fit for you. Congratulations on getting married!
ReplyDeleteHey Hunter!
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't believe that all of these pictures are your own. You are definitely living your best life out here. Aquatic animals are awesome, and getting to experience them both in their natural habitat via scuba diving and taking care of them in your own house is a cool mixture. Also, thank you for doing your part to help save the bees!
Hey Hunter! Like you, I also graduate in May and cannot wait to be done with school. You seem like a real outdoors person and all of those pictures are so cool. Being such a qualified SCUBA diver is incredible and I wish I could try SCUBA diving. The ocean is so cool and I have only been able to go snorkeling. Best of luck the rest of the semester!
ReplyDeleteHi Hunter!
ReplyDeleteAs someone who is deathly afraid of the open water I have to say the pictures you have in this post are really cool! I've always wondered how people get into the practice of scuba diving and more importantly how you keep your cool around sharks when diving. As I am also graduating (hopefully) this spring I hope your last semester rocks and I wish you and your new family the best going forward.
Hi Hunter!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on graduating this semester! While swimming sharks doesn't sound particularly appealing to me, it is amazing that you have such an unique talent and hobby. It sounds like you have a lot of experience and love for the aquatic ecosystem. I would be curious to hear some stories you have on your diving adventures. I also love to travel, and I am eager to see more National Parks as I grow older.
Oh wow, that is so cool about your scuba experience, Hunter! I've gone snorkeling (best ever was Hanauma Bay in Honolulu were I lived for 9th grade)... but scuba is a totally unknown world to me, something from movies and TV, but you have done that in real life. Fabulous! With TURTLES. Wow!
ReplyDeleteAnd that is also amazing about a bee farm. I knew a beekeeper once, but it was just a small set-up to make a little honey for his family. I am glad to hear you are making so many bees happy! Yay for happy bees!
Between all the sea creatures and the bees, you probably need to tell some stories this semester with animal characters!
And, finally, CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding: it's a beautiful photo, and I am so glad you have found a great place to start building your lives together.
Yay for the 2020s and all the good things to come in this new decade! :-)
Hey Hunter!
ReplyDeleteI must say that I love the salt-water aquariums as I have always wanted one since I was a little kid as I loved Shedd's Aquarium when I used to go up to Chicago every summer. Don't know if I could swim with the sharks still though as I am no that brave! Best of luck in the coming semester
ReplyDeleteI have always wanted to go scuba diving. Also, congratulations on getting married this past summer. I am also from a small town out that way, Little Axe, America. I love living in my small town but recently I moved to the middle of Moore to get closer to school and my job. I also graduate this semester and you're right, IT CAN'T COME FAST ENOUGH. I feel like the only adrenaline rush I've done is go skydiving, that was the best rush I have ever had. I would 10/10 recommend the experience.
Hi Hunter! First off, these pictures are awesome! I am so impressed with your ability to go literally swimming with sharks. That's crazy. Also, what is Nitrox and why would you want to breathe it? What kind of governmental research would you like to do? What kind of research do they do at Tinker? I never would have thought that research goes on there. The beekeeping things sounds really interesting. I work in a library and there is a beekeepers association that has their monthly meetings in our community room. They get some really big crowds. It's quite impressive. Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteHowdy Hunter!
ReplyDeleteGreat to meet you!
This pictures are so adorable! I feel like I have been let into your life and I do not even know you, haha. I went snorkeling once as a kid, but I would love to go scuba diving, I bet that was UNREAL. I am hoping that this summer I can go to Hawaii with my boyfriend and a group of friends, if I do, you better believe that is the first thing on my list. Congrats on the wedding!
Best wishes,
Hey Hunter!
ReplyDeleteYour hobbies are so cool! I have always been interested in scuba diving, but I am wayyyyy to anxious of a person to try, haha! I can barely handle snorkeling... although they may be very different. The pictures you took are amazing and I can't begin to imagine all the beautiful things you get to see. I am a fellow lover of traveling as well and haven't been able to go anywhere in some time. However, my favorite place I have been to has been the Dominican republic. My #1 on the bucket list right now is Australia. What has been your favorite trip??
Best of luck in your last semester!
Hi Hunter! Your life sounds so interesting! Scuba diving, bee keeping, swimming with sharks, it all sounds so cool! I have always wanted to learn how to scuba dive and I hope to one day dive in Hawaii and the Great Coral Reef (that is if it still exists by the time I have the money to go). I think it is great that you work in trying to rebuild the bee population, I wish more people understood their importance to the ecosystem. I would offer to help, but I am deadly allergic to bees, so I can help in spirit. You and your wife look beautiful and incredibly happy in your wedding picture, I hope you have an amazing life together. Looking forward to reading more about you!
ReplyDeleteHi Hunter!
ReplyDeleteI hope your semester is going well! Congrats on your recent marriage! I get married in December and I am actually the most excited ever! Also, WOW what a tough major and minor combo! I'm a history major and science terrifies me. It's not something my brain has even been able to compute easily. I hope the rest of your semester goes well and congrats on your May graduation!
Hey Hunter!
ReplyDeleteYou have some super unique and awesome hobbies! I have always wanted to go scuba diving but I never have. I love the ocean and sharks are my favorite animal! I think it is super cool that you have a bee farm as well. It sounds like you have had a very exciting year. Congrats on your marriage and graduation coming up! Good luck the next of the semester.
Hey Hunter! You've got some really cool hobbies! I personally am terrified of the idea of being in open water like that (if I ever am playing a video game that has a lot of swimming or diving, it makes me so tense), but I think marine life is so cool to look at. I'm jealous that you got to be up close and personal with some sharks, they're one of my favorites. Also, thank you for working to keep the bee population alive! I don't think everyone realizes how important bees are for so many of the things we consume, and the population really is in danger. So thank you for that! Also, congrats on your marriage and graduation coming up! I'm set to graduate in May, too, and it can't come soon enough! Good luck this semester!
ReplyDeleteHey Hunter,
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you! You have some very unique and interesting hobbies! I'm hoping to go scuba diving later this year if I can, and the pictures you've shown make me even more excited to try it. I'm with you on graduating this semester, even though it looks like graduation may not turn out like we expected it to. I hope you and your wife are able to fulfill your dreams of traveling more once this outbreak blows over! Good luck on what's left of the semester!
Hi Hunter,
ReplyDeleteYour hobbies are all so interesting. I find it very cool that you are a scuba diver and do these things out in the ocean. I would be absolutely terrified to go diving while sharks are feeding. My one fear every time that I go to the beach is that there will be a shark nearby. It is a great thing that you are doing for the bees and that is amazing. I hope you have a great rest of the semester.