Storybook Favorites

Storybook Favorites
After looking through many different storybooks, I have found 3 that really jump out at me! I like it when the title really pops and pulls the reader in with interesting topics. I really like color schemes that flow, however too much of one color can throw off the reader and lose the intention of some. However, being simple and having an easy flow can go along way.

The first story book that jumps out is the storybook "Witches of Oz"! I like how the story focus on the withes and the stories behind them. What really jumps out at me is how the creator uses the four cardinal directions and the introduction as the tabs. That really keeps the book simple and pleasing to the eye.

The second story that jumped out to me is the storybook "OU's Haunted Halls". The title name jumped out to me the most because it sounds very interesting! I like the tabs are separated by buildings and their tragedies! I also like use of photos that are related to the buildings that go along with each story.

My last storybook that I liked is called "Legends from the Pacific Northwest". I like this storybook because it looks more like a website. I didn't like how the blue colors kinda clashed, but I did like the flow of the storybook.

After looking at all the storybooks, I really like really simple storybooks that are easy to navigate through. I like it when colors don't clash and the overall page is pleasing to the eye. Using pictures and wild colors can distract the readers.


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