Week 7 Story: Why Squidward Hates SpongeBob

This story was taken from William Barker's story called "The Leopard and the Ram." In this story the Leopard and the Ram live together as friends. The Leopard finds out that the Ram uses his horns to ram things to kill it. When it started raining in their house, the Ram slips and starts to ram the Leopard. The Leopard gets scared and runs away. This is why the Leopard stays in the trees and the Ram rooms out. The story can be found here. Why Squidward hates Spongebob One day SpongeBob was walking through the kelp forest when he decided he was going to build him a new home there. Squidward was walking down the same path when he decided that he was going to make him a home in the same spot. SpongeBob began working on his home the very next day. Squidward soon began working on his home and was surprised to see that it had already had a foundation. Both spongeBob and Squidward worked on their home for days. However, they never ran in to each other to see the other...